and I love how it looks. Love, love LOVE it!!! Fabrics from my stash that I have collected over the past few years, 3 years ago I went to Sydney to visit
Cass, then I went to Victoria for a week with Bob then I went to South Australia to visit
Emma, hmmm, where to this year? Maybe bush to see

The Kai honeycomb spots are my fave, I am going to use them for the binding as well. I only had a FQ so purchased another metre from
Amitie, I did a phone order, super easy, great shop! The mini orange spots are a fat flat from Spotlight, I found 4 more so will incorporate them into the backing.

Pattern from
here, I slightly modified it as I has some 30cm strips of prints I wanted to use. The large rectangles are supposed to be 7.5" long by 3.5" wide, I made mine a quarter inch smaller so 7 and a quarter long x 3.5" wide, this allowed me to cut 6 pieces from a 42" x 3.5" strip.

Oliver has requested straight quilt lines, no messy wiggly bits! Hideously boring I know, but quick and easy. I stocked up on wadding at the last buy 2 metres get 1 free sale, I just have to get some orange homepun for the backing. Back to work tomorrow so will start quilting next weekend hopefully.
You're on a roll Ads!! Looking great!
I love this, I love that it's orange and not a typical more common colour.
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